Join us as we celebrate the life of Dave Polhemus. The gathering was held at the Gilford United Methodist Church in Gilford, NH on Saturday, May 18, 2024, at 1:00 PM.
A Tribute
Ancient sayings tell us:
“We have no friends, no enemies, only teachers;” and
“When the student is ready, the teacher will come;” and
“Once a friend, a true friend is forever.”
Many say, you came when I needed it most,
And you helped me survive and thrive.
Many attribute their sanity and spirituality
To your teachings, ministry, and example.
You have led a good life by any definition,
And I was witness to the selfless giving;
Such ease, such grace, such dignity.
So instrumental in shaping who I have become.
Be confident that you live on
In your imparted wisdoms and kindnesses;
Now, essential parts of all of us
Whose lives you have touched.
Be at rest, my friend, my colleague, my teacher.
Rest deeply now, forever, and well deserved,
And know as we do,
Yours was a truly meaningful and good life.
(JAW: 05/2024)